Friday, July 18, 2014

Commitment to Goals

I went back to the gym yesterday after not being there for 2 weeks and I realized how out of shape and sore I felt and this was only 2 weeks !  I was kicking myself because I realize that not only have I slacked off in my fitness but also my own daily Routine.

I saw a friend a few days ago and it was by talking to him that I realized how negative and uncommitted he was in his daily life. We spoke about the successes of people and how so many people are making money online but he did not believe that people were and nor does he believe that people can become wealthy unless born into it. I tried to make him see it differently  and in the end realized that there are just some people who cannot get past a mental block and will always see their life as a struggle. My friend happened to have just started a business back in March but gave up on it after only 2 months. So I asked why and his response was that he needed to do other things but by the end of the conversation I realized that he gave up simply because he wasn't reaping the benefits nor was he making the oodles of money he thought he could make by owning his own business. I tried to explain that he should not give up on his dreams and nor should he expect to be a success over night. 

It was through this discussion and many others I have had with some of my peers recently that it is evident that so many of us have our dreams, goals and aspirations but so few are committed to putting in the time and the effort. If you want to be a success you need to work on your business or your craft on a daily basis. Stickability is very important when it comes to your visions and it doesn't matter if this is the gym, reading , learning a new skill, studying a script, or building your business. It could be anything you are trying to do but you need to stick with it if you want to be a success. Successful people are not working once a week or once a month. They are at it every day ……….so this is indeed a reminder to myself and to you.

Take  action and start today by working on your dream, plan, goal or whatever it is you are trying to do. Sometimes we will get discouraged and want to give up but it is fighting to win that makes the difference. 

Trina Martica

Monday, July 14, 2014

How I made money doing a 2 hour survey about Cars.

And here is how you can participate and make some easy cash. I saw a post on Craigslist where they were looking for people who have certain cars and mine being a Totoya was on the list. I contacted them and they explained that they were willing to pay me for a doing a survey about Cars. I figured why not, seeing as I love cars especially the American Muscle cars. 

I drove to the location the next day and was given a tablet where I had to evaluate 9 cars without knowing the make and model from different angles. The first set of cars were presented on a screen and I had to look at the side view of these cars and answer a variety of questions ranging from the words to describe the car, if I felt that the passenger seats were roomy, on a scale of 1 to 10 if I liked the car and if I could guess the Maker of that said car. I answered about 10 questions for each car and then moved onto the next section which was to evaluate another set of cars from  a 3/4 front view angle, answering the same 10 questions. The final set of questions were then asked again now viewing the read end of the car again at a 3/4 angle. 

This process lasted an hour and a half and in the end the final questions were based on your reasons as to why you chose the current car you drive and what other cars interest you. The entire survey took 2 hours and I was paid immediately at the end. At the end I was invited to come back again this week to take part in another survey based on my answers allowing me to make additional money. Who would have thought ! Being paid for 2 hours work providing feedback on one of my loves is a great job don't you think !?!

The interesting thing about doing that survey is that on my way home I kept looking at the back of each vehicle in front of me to view the lights, trunk and how the car itself is shaped and I realized that my entire view of a vehicle now has changed ! This had shed a whole different light on how I view cars and now I find myself constantly evaluating them while I am driving.  

Cars....... makes me love them even more. 

Trina Martica

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Drinks - Bajan "Lemonade"

Summer Drinks. Bajan "Lemonade"
It is 85 Degrees in Sunny Los Angeles and my day ended early so why not take a dip in the pool and cool myself off with a refreshing Lemonade. There I was looking around in my pantry for the ingredients and decided to spice it up with some Barbados Rum, the one and only Mount Gay Extra Old. In Barbados we make our Lemonade with Limes and not Lemons!!  It is a different taste but the rum adds a good kick to it. If you want to try it take a look at my recipe below.

The Ingredients are as follows:

8 Glasses of Water
4 Large Limes
1/4 tsp of Almond Essence
3/4 Cup of Brown Sugar
1 shot of Rum (to taste)
a dash of Angostura Bitters

Of course I ended up making twice that so you just double the ingredients. I love to have extra in case friends stop by to join me which seems to happen more often these days. Since I had more than enough I took some of the mixture and poured it into my popsicle molds and made some pops or as my friends call them "Rum pops". Great to have while relaxing in the pool ! Enjoy my refreshing Bajan Lemonade Popsicles !

Have a great Summer !
Trina Martica

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Should a woman ask a guy out ?

In today's society women have become more aggressive in asking a man on a date.  Why is this happening you may ask ? Women have decided that if they kept waiting they might never get that date. So today's woman is taking the initiative to go after what they want. 

However according to Daniel Bergner's research and book "What do women want?: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire", many men find it a turn off when women are the sexual aggressors. Why must the roles of the gender be so old fashioned ? Bergner explains that a study was done of college students and that 93 percent of women said they preferred to be asked out, while 83 percent of men preferred to do the asking. 

Bergner's research indicates that women are most turned on by their partners' desire for them. However, socially, men still find it a turnoff when women are the sexual aggressors. Therefore women who aggressively pursue what they want actually leads them to not getting it. 

Research shows that both men and women prefer that the man actively pursue women and that women should be passive recipients to these advances. They also state that both men and women prefer that the man asks the woman out, plan the date and also pick her up. However when a woman does not go along with this she is viewed negatively. Women who take the initiative and ask men out are seen as too aggressive and too promiscuous , and in some cases not interested in serious relationships. Then the questions remains if the woman asks the man out on a date then should she pick up the tab ? From my research the responses were varied and sometimes it is based on ones upbringing. 

Several of my own interviews show that men today do not mind a woman asking them out but it usually depends on how she has approached him.  A few men have responded that they are typically shy and thus do not mind. It is flattering, makes them feel wanted and a huge boost in confidence. If this is the case then why won't these men ask that same woman out on a date ?

Have the rules of traditional courtship changed ? Men are not as direct as they once were  and are more intimidated. It is 2014 and the lines of courtship have been blurred. If this is the case then should women step out of their comfort zone and ask a man on a date ?  If no one steps up to the plate then it makes us wonder where do we go from here? the debate is still open.